
Student Project Based Scholarship Recipient Announced

ConnecticutView is pleased to announce that Zhiyuan Yang has been awarded a ConnecticutView Student Project Based Scholarship. Zhiyuan is in his second semester in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at UConn and has proposed a project titled “Assessment With Landsat 8 Data of the Urban Heat Island Effects in Connecticut”.

Student Project Based Scholarship Recipients Announced

ConnecticutView is pleased to announce that Shuyu Chang and Luke Gersz are the first recipients of the ConnecticutView Student Project Based Scholarships. Shuyu is a senior in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at UConn and has proposed a project titled “Monitoring Snow storms in Connecticut in 2015 winter and MODIS snow cover products Accuracy Assessment”. Luke is also a senior in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment at UConn and has proposed a project titled “Assessing Connecticut’s Main Coastal Concerns”. Upon completion of their projects, each student will receive a $1,000 scholarship.

CTView Accepting Student Project Proposals

ConnecticutView is now accepting project proposals from undergraduate students to undertake a research or data development project of their choosing that uses public domain remote sensing data (specifically Landsat satellite imagery) and technology applied to a study area within Connecticut. Project must be conducted during the Spring 2016 semester. A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded on satisfactory completion of the project. Notice of Intent due by December 18, 2015. Proposals due by January 15, 2016. Contact James Hurd for details.