Month: February 2017

Updated LandsatLook Viewer, New Sentinel2Look Viewer Released

A new version of the LandsatLook Viewer is now available. This release represents a major redesign of the earlier LandsatLook Viewer. The update includes many new features, enhanced performance, and improved functional capabilities. Also, a new Sentinel2Look Viewer, which highlights one of the newest datasets available through a USGS partnership with the European Space Agency (ESA) is available. Both of these viewers have been developed to allow for quick and easy seamless visualization of all Landsat and Sentinel-2 images, respectively, held in the USGS/EROS archive at up to full resolution.
Along with new features and tool navigation, these updated viewers are optimized for use on mobile devices. Other features include a customizable display with easy export options to multiple file types and a ‘Print’ feature to create quick maps as PDFs.