Earth As Art. In 1960, the United States put its first Earth-observing environmental satellite into orbit around the planet. Over the decades, these satellites have provided invaluable information, and the vantage point of space has provided new perspectives on Earth. Sensors on these satellites can measure energy outside of the visible range, so the images show more than what is visible to the naked eye. The beauty of Earth is clear, and the artistry – creations from the forces of nature, and the hand of humankind – ranges from the surreal to the sublime.
The “Our Earth Revealed” satellite image galleria is a collection of images from around the world that have been printed on canvas for display. The images provided below are digital representations of a sampling of pictures that are part of our canvas printed exhibit. Click on each image to open a larger view.
Patchwork Quilt |
Patterns of Displacement |
Ring of Rock in a Frigid Sea | Crops in the Round | A Forest Stripped |
When the River Meets the Sea | Distribution of the Displaced | |||